dog, dogs, animals, animal, surf, surfing, over, car, cars, pet, pets, Dog Surfing Over Car, dog surf car, roof, cars, carro, surfeando, carro, animales, mascotas, barbaridad, techo, loco
- #CUTE: Dog Almost Falls Asleep While Waiting in Car With Owner00:43
JakeTheDog - Dog vs toy car00:51
DonaldDuck - Adorable Baby Sitter02:10
Laurix - #VIDEO: Save a dog suffocated inside a car in Aspe02:36
Lunis - #VIRAL - Impatient Dog Hanks Car Horn00:41
JakeTheDog - #OMG: This dog gets stuck behind the wheel of a car00:30
JakeTheDog - #VIDEO - Dog buries his dead brother after being run over00:27