Sports Videos
Heartbreak after blind runners guide falls just short of finish line at Paralympic Games in London
by Melyssa
Terezinha Guilhermina of Brazil runs as her guide Guilherme Soares de Santana lies on the track after he fell in the Women's 400m - T12 Final on day 6 of the London 2012 Paralympic Games at Olympic Stadium on Sept. 4, in London, England.
- Duration: 05:51
Heartbreak after blind runner's guide falls just short of finish line at Paralympic Games in London, guide runner, hearthbreak, people, sport, sports, Olympic Games, London 2012, Terezinha Guilhermina, Brazil, fall run, runner, Women's 400m - T12 Final, London 2012, London 2012 Paralympic Games, London, England, momento emotivo, Juegos Olimpicos, Juegos Paralimpicos, sport, sports, depote, deportes, Londres 2012, guia de corredora cae al piso, calambre, competencia, imagenes emoticas, brasileña,
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