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House in the Middle of the Street on China
by Ling-Ling
Homeowners Luo Baogen and his wife refused to allow the government to demolish their home in Wenling, Zhejiang province, China, claiming the relocation compensation offered would not be enough to cover the cost of rebuilding. So, adjacent neighboring homes were dismantled, and, bizarrely, the road was built around the intact home, leaving it as an island in a river of new asphalt.
- Duration: 00:51
House in the Middle of the Street on China, China, Chinese, chinese people, house, home, Chinese Architecture, Old and New, Luo Baogen, Wenling, Zhejiang province, asphlt, street, middle of street, Una casa a mitad de calle en China, casa a mitad de Calle, gente, personas, Wenling, edificio, autopista
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