Celebrity Videos

Kim Kardashian is bitten by fish to give pedicure

Kim Kardashian is a celebrity who underwent cosmetic treatment again, getting a pedicure by fish. This new therapy is all the rage among Hollywood stars, and is best known as the Fish Spa. This technique involves placing the feet in a large tank with a fish species that feeds on human skin. The model Kim Kardashian is always on the lookout for the latest trends in personal care, so could not pass up the opportunity and decided to live the experience. According to Teleshow, the treatment he received on his journey through the Greek island of Santorini, and then decided to remove all impurities feet.

  • Duration: 00:36



Kim Kardashian is bitten by fish! to give pedicure, Kim Kardashian, celebs, celebrities, socialite, pedicure by fish, 2013, Kim Kardashian es ¡mordida por peces! para hacerle pedicure, Kim Kardashian mordida por peces, celebridades, chismes, espectaculos