
UNICEF launches creative campaign against pedophilia in Chile meet at Cotton Candy Man

Everything recorded accurately to cause astonishment. The pace of the video and the depth of his message shocks and therefore has gone viral. As part of their struggle for the protection of children, the United Nations Fund for Children (UNICEF), headquartered in Chile, released this shocking campaign. The video is titled "Sweet Trick" (sweet trick), and seeks to raise awareness and alert parents to become part of the protection of their own children with potential molesters. What qualifies as shocking.

  • Duration: 01:22



UNICEF launches creative campaign against pedophilia in Chile, meet at "Cotton Candy Man", UNICEF, UNICEF Campaign, 2013, news, people, creative campaign, Chile, UNICEF, Cotton Candy Man, UNICEF lanza creativa campaña contra la pedofília en Chile, conoce al Hombre de Algodón de Azúcar, camapaña contra pedofilia, pedofilia, gente, personas, entretenimieto, hombre de algodon de azucar