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Bashar AlAssad Warns Syria take to deliver and destroy chemical weapons

Bashar Al Assad, estimated that "take a year," and billions of dollars to destroy the chemical arsenal of his country, but said he is "committed" to enforce the agreement brokered by U.S. and Russia for that purpose, he said in an interview with the U.S. television network Fox News. "You have to ask the experts what it means (destroying chemical arsenal) quickly. Has a specific timetable. Need one year may be a little more," he said. That period is over provisions of the agreement reached in Geneva on Saturday between Russians and Americans, which states that Syria must have given all their chemical arsenal before the end of the first half of 2014.

  • Duration: 01:22



Bashar Al-Assad Warns Syria take to deliver and destroy chemical weapons, Syria, Syria chemical weapon, chemical weapon, news, 2013, Russia, USA, US, news, Geneva, Bashar Al Assad, president of Syria, Advierte Bashar Al-Assad que Siria tardará en entregar y destruir armas químicas , armas quimicas en Siria, armas quimicas de Siria, nota, noticias, noticia, destruir armas quimicas, entregar armas quimicas, armas quimicas de Siria, Siria