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Pope Francis sent 100 in aid to victims in Mexico

Pope Francis has sent one hundred thousand U.S. dollars through the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum" to help victims of Hurricanes 'Ingrid' and 'Manuel' in Mexico, reports the Mexican Episcopal Conference. The money will be distributed through the dioceses of the affected areas.

  • Duration: 00:14



Pope Francis sent $ 100 in aid to victims in Mexico, Pope Francis, news, The Vatican, Pope Fransic send aid victims in Mexico, Mexico, Mexico news, El Papa Francisco envía 100 dólares en ayuda a los damnificados de México , daminificados de Mexico, Guerrero, Acapulco, inundaciones en Guerrero, INundaciones en Acapulco, nota, noticias, Papa Francisco, Papa Francisco envia ayuda a daminifcados de Acapulco