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Pope Francis announces the date for the canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII

The Latin is still the official language of the Church as the Pope has to announce something important or make use of his authority, used that language. Therefore, during the ordinary consistory with the cardinals, when it came time to announce the date that John Paul II and John XXIII officially be declared saint, Francis Pope spoke in Latin. Will the April 27, 2014.

  • Duration: 02:46



Pope Francis announces the date for the canonization of John Paul II and John XXIII, Pope Francis, canonization John Paul II, canonization John XXIII, The Vatican, Vatican, catholic church, Papa Francisco anuncia la fecha de canonización de Juan Pablo II y Juan XXIII, Papa Francisco, Papa Francisco anuncia fecha de canonizacion, Juan Pablo II, Juan XXII, canonización de Juan Pablo ii