Tech & Video Games

Play MemoFari Game

At FunHost.Net/memofari, Go to Africa immediately and take snapshots of wildlife as good as you can! Enjoy 12 levels, each containing three stages: Firstly, train your memory and€“ find all pairs playing MemoFari memory game. Secondly, focus on your target by solving MemoFari concentric puzzles. Finally, take perfect MemoFari photos of a nimble wild animal. Enter our competition, create your own photographic portfolio to find your pictures on the cover of 'Freaky Animals' and win extra rewards. ( Action, Board Game, Puzzles, Shooting) (Action, Animal, Girly, Puzzle, Shooting, Train Game) . Play MemoFari for Free at FunHost.Net/memofari on FunHost.Net , The Fun Host of Apps and Games! MemoFari : FunHost.Net/memofari www: FunHost.Net Facebook: facebook.com/FunHostApps Twitter: twitter.com/FunHost

  • Duration: 01:38



Action , Action Game , Animal , Animal Game , Girly , Girly Game , Puzzle , Puzzle Game , Shooting , Shooting Game , Train , Train Game , MemoFari , game , fun game , gaming , video game , free game , free play , game play, gameplay , game video trailer , game trailer , game online , video , fun host , funhost , player , free game ,