New iPad Announcement JKL 10232013 Parody
by WorldNews
Episode from the late night TV show on ABC.
- Duration: 01:59
New iPad Announcement (JKL) 10/23/2013, New iPad , Announcement , JKL, 10/23/2013, parody, fun, funny, hilarious, show, tv, television, entetrainment, video, omg, show, vidoe, ipad, commercial, entetrainemnt, tv
- Apple - The new iPad Air | Now with M1 |01:35
Apple - iPad Mini Commercial JK Show01:25
DonaldDuck - New iPad Air Commercial 2013 OFFICIAL AD00:56
Franky - New iPad and Apple TV rumors05:21
KrissKlown - iPad 3 announcement On The Verge07:02
Alponk45 - NEW iPad 2013 iPad HUGE commercial02:32
FatB0y - Remake of Carrie JKL Show01:12