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White Supremacist Craig Cobb Confronted With DNA Results On The Trisha Goddard Show
by Yonnhy
The man who underwent a DNA test proved that is not entirely of white origin, and in their genes are at 86% of European roots and 14% of African roots.
- Duration: 00:55
White Supremacist Craig Cobb Confronted With DNA Results On The Trisha Goddard Show, Craig Cobb , Craig Cobb news, 2013, Craig Cobb racist, Craig Cobb nazi, nazi, people, Trisha Goddard Show, live show, people, Hombre blanco racista se entera que en sus genes hay un porcentaje de raices negras, hombre se entera que tiene raices negras, gente, personas, hombre blanco se somete a prueba
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