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FEMEN activists throwing panties Cardinal Rouco in Spain

The international feminist movement Femen announced the start of " a bloody war" against the Catholic Church in Spain for the right of women to abortion , addressed to Cardinal Rouco Varela, head of that institution. With bare torsos and shouts of " abortion is sacred " five Femen activists attacked the president of the Spanish Episcopal Conference , Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela , at the entrance to the Madrid parish of Saints Justo and Pastor. The girls took to Rouco stained red panties . Her breasts were ' decorated ' with inscriptions like ' Stop episcopal mafia ' and ' Abortion is sacred ' , reports the website of the movement. The Cardinal Varela is one of the strongest advocates of the draft reform of the abortion law, driven by Spanish Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz- Gallardón, enacting severe restrictions on the right to abortion . The bill , sponsored by the Government of Spain , suggested the prohibition of abortion , except in cases where it is necessary to preserve the life and health of women , and in the case of victims of sexual violence. Last week I hosted a demonstration in Madrid against the initiative . Also last week Femen movement activists interrupted the speech of the Minister of Justice in the Parliament.

  • Duration: 00:47



FEMEN activists throwing panties Cardinal Rouco in Spain, femen activist, Protest in Spain, Spian, 2014, news, Cardinal Rouco, Rouco, Activistas de FEMEN lanzan bragas al cardenal Rouco en España , Spain, España, Cardenal Rouco, activistas de Femen, Activistas de Femen en España, nota, noticias, noticia