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Reveal video of the murder of a student who fell into subway tracks in Mexico

Security cameras installed in the subway could burn to Harith Joseph Gonzalez Villegas, 22 years old; Ricardo Lopez Martinez, 23 years old; and Juan Najera, 25. Seconds later comes Daniel Derek, 25 years old, along with another unidentified young. At ten in the evening with nine minutes five young people down the stairs heading to the platform. Moments after the surveillance camera located in the youth center of the platform. The platform was crowded since it took seven minutes from the arrival of the young until the arrival of the convoy. At ten in the evening with 15 minutes and 22 seconds, a split second before the arrival of the convoy routes to the fall of Daniel Derek who has no chance to react is observed. Immediately Harith Joseph Gonzalez Villegas, Ricardo López Martínez and Juan Najera run away in the direction of the stairs in an attempt to flee.

  • Duration: 03:19



Reveal video of the murder of a student who fell into subway tracks in Mexico , news, 2014, subway station Copilco, murder in mexican subway, 2014, cctv video, Revelan video del homicidio del estudiante que cayó a las vías del metro en Copilco , video de estudiante cayendo a las vias del tren, nota, noticias, noticia, Copilco, hiomicidio en estacion Copilco