News Politics
Child murdered in Colombia to avoid a dog was hacked to death
by NewNews
Miguel Angel Montoya, 19, has been murdered while trying to save a dog that would kill with machetes. His mother, Lina María Montoya, remembers him as a young man full of dreams and illusions. "He was a good man, nature wanted. Heartbroken I ask everyone to save the lives of people and animals," he said.
- Duration: 03:47
Child murdered in Colombia to avoid a dog was hacked to death, Miguel Angel Montoya, COlombia, Colombia tragedy, news, people, Lina María Montoya, save dog for his life, child murdered for safe a dog, Colombia, Colombia news, Asesinan a joven en Colombia por evitar que un perro fuera muerto a machetazos, asesinan a joven a machetazos, asesinado por salva r a un perro, joven asesinado por salvar a perro, gente, personas, noticias
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