Movie Trailer Videos

Son of A Gun Trailer

In the criminal world, life is like a game of chess. To gain control, you have to stay a few moves ahead of your opponent. Lose that control, and you risk becoming a pawn in their very dangerous game. During a six-month stint inside a West Australian prison, rookie criminal JR (BRENTON THWAITES) meets the smart and enigmatic Brendan Lynch (EWAN McGREGOR). In exchange for protection on the inside, JR agrees to help Brendan get outside, hooking up with the influential Sam Lennox (JACEK KOMAN) to orchestrate a daring prison escape that frees Brendan, and inmates Sterlo (MATT NABLE) and Merv (EDDIE BAROO).

  • Duration: 02:19



son of a gun, trailer, movie, Ewan McGregor, Brenton Thwaites, Alicia Vikander, Matt Nable, Damon Herriman, Nash Edgerton, Jacek Koman, Tom Budge, Eddie Baroo, David Partridge, Ben Weirheim, Tammie West, Rick Tonna, Isaac Money, Warwick Sadler