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Earthquake of 9.8 degrees in Calfornia at 4 pm today?
by F-5
So as many have heard San Andreas fault is supposed to bust tomorrow around 4 pm causing tsunamis death and chaos.
- Duration: 00:40
Quake in California, Earthquekae in California, news, people, haarp, haarp project,
- CCTV La Habra Earthquake 328201400:48
J.R.Evans - Earthquake of 9.8 degrees in California after alignment of planets at 4 o'clock tomorrow08:00
G.O.K.U. - Earthquake of 9.8 degrees predicted for tomorrow in California03:13
Nertor - California Earthquake Swarm03:20
JoeCool - Mexico earthquake kills man whose home crumbled05:32
RobertForster - NORTHERN California 57 Earthquake 245201301:27
OMGMeta - HAARP or Aliens Mystery Force Appears In Clouds01:51