News Politics

Effects of K2, the synthetic marijuana

"K2" or "Spice" is wreaking havoc in the United States. This substance is affecting the beggars of New York City. And now, the police fear that its use will spread. Images can be uncontrolled way men are under the effects of this dangerous drug behave. Run and scream so wild, they have no notion of where they are and repaired in their excessive behavior. These effects on the mind are similar to those of the natural cannabis, but its chemical structure is different, as are their side effects (which include restlessness, palpitations, drowsiness, lethargy, vomiting ... etc). The product consists of herbs sprayed with synthetic substances that mimic tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the natural active ingredient found in marijuana and is responsible for its toxic effects.

  • Duration: 01:09



K2, Marihuana sintetica, Spice, marihuana, noticias, noticia, nuevas drogas, drogas