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Josh Duggar Retracts Parts of Cheating Admission

Josh Duggar is back in headlines after admitting to cheating on his wife, but now he is retracting the statements he made about the incident. After the former Duggar star was outed for paying over $1,000 to be a part of the Ashley Madison website, he made a statement talking about his addiction to porn that no one knew about and mentioning Satan had built a fortress in his heart. Since posting his statement to the families website, it has since been altered deleting those significant parts.

  • Duration: 00:53



WIRE, Josh Duggar, Anna Duggar, Josh Duggar Cheater, Josh Duggar Cheating, Josh Duggar Wife, Josh Duggar Ashley Madison, Ashley Madison Hack, Josh Duggar Porn, Anna Duggar Husband, Josh Duggar Affair, Jared Fogle, Josh Duggar Molestation, Duggars