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Millionaire offers hotel nights to Syrian refugees

The Norwegian billionaire Petter Stordalen offered 5000 night in his hotel chain in refugee without official premises. The country could receive 16 thousand people in 2015. The Norwegian billionaire Petter Stordalen, who made his fortune in the hotel sector, offered on Tuesday nights hotel 5,000 refugees who can not be accommodated in facilities provided to receive at home. "We offer 5,000 hotel nights refugees", announced via Twitter the tycoon, owner of Scandinavian Nordic Choice Hotels chain. The Norwegian Agency for Migration (UDI) said it would examine the proposal should be overwhelmed by the demands.

  • Duration: 00:58



Petter Stordalen, noruego millonario, Noruego, magnate, gente, personas, refugiados sirios, Siria, Sirios