Celebrity Videos

Kanye West 'Definitely' Running for President

In case you were wondering if Kanye West is still going for that presidential run... Oh he is. When asked if he was serious about the shocking announcement he made at the VMAs, Yeezy says "oh definitely.” He then admits to Vanity Fair, "I hate politics. I'm not a politician at all. I care about the truth and I just care about human beings. I just want everyone to win, that's all I can say, and I think we can." So, are you on board with Kanye’s 2020 campaign? Sound off on our Facebook and Twitter.

  • Duration: 00:40



Wire, Kanye West, Vanity Fair, Kanye West President, Kanye2020, Kanye Running for President, Kim Kardashian first lady, Kanye West VMAs, VMAs, Kanye President, Kanye president 2020, Kanye presidential campaign, Kanye presidential election, Kanye election,