Celebrity Videos

Halle Berry Being Sued for $5 Million

When push comes to shove, someone gets sued. Back in January, Halle Berry, Olivier Martinez and kids were swarmed by paparazzi when they landed at LAX. Martinez used the baby seat he was carrying to shove Ronaldo Owens, a TSA Employee, to the ground. Owens has now filed a suit saying Martinez brutally charged at him without provocation, that he wasn't blocking their way, and as an employee he had every right to be where he was. Get more details about the lawsuit here.

  • Duration: 00:44



Wire, Halle Berry, Olivier Martinez, Ronaldo Owens, Celebrity Lawsuits, Halle Berry Sued, Olivier Martinez Airport, Halle Berry Airport Fight, Olivier Martinez Paparazzi, Olivier Martinez attacks, Olivier Martinez hits, Olivier Martinez Shoves, Sues