News Politics

Intercepts DOnald Trump Communications

Republican lawmaker Devin Nunes said the president's talks could have been intercepted last year during the investigation of foreign intelligence operations. In addition, he said there is no evidence that former President Barack Obama spied on him. US President Donald Trump's communications could have been intercepted last year during the investigation of foreign intelligence operations, the intelligence commission leader said Wednesday. Of the House of Representatives. Republican lawmaker Devin Nunes - who was part of Trump's transition team and is now leading an investigation into alleged links between the campaign and Russia - said there is no evidence that former President Barack Obama spied on him. However, he noted that Trump's communications could be intercepted during the investigation of suspicious foreign intelligence operations. Nunes said that the communications are not related to Russia and that everything indicates that they have "little or no value". "The president and other members of the transition team appeared in intelligence reports," Nunes told reporters. Information collected between November and January was "widely disseminated" in US intelligence circles, he said.

  • Duration: 01:36

