Terry McAuliffe Press Conference on Charlottesville with a POWERFUL MESSAGE
Saturday, after protests there left one de ad and more than 30 inju red in clashes earlier in the day. "You pretend that you are patriots, but you are anything but a patriot," McAuliffe, flanked by Charlottesville's mayor and po lice chief, said in a message to white nationalists. "We are stronger than you," the Democratic governor added. "You have made our commonwealth stronger. You will not succeed. There is no place for you here." In a press conference Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe made the clear, anti-white-nationalist message that President Donald Trump did not. “I have a message to the white supremacists who came into Charlottesville today,” McAuliffe said at the televised 6 pm conference. “Go home. You are not wanted in this great commonwealth. You pretend that you are patriots, but you are anything but patriots.” ''YOU ARE NOT AMERICANS'' Governor destroys white supremac ists for Charlottesville vio lence ''YOU ARE NOT AMERICANS'' Governor destroys white supre mac ists for Charlottesville viol ence McAuliffe said he had spoken to President Trump earlier in the day. Mr. Trump declined to name white supremacists or any specific group, saying violence "on many sides" was to blame. Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colorado), urged the president to "call evil by its name," and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah followed with similarly tough statements.
- Duration: 10:20
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