Why you need to see Rick and Morty
This animated series by Dan Harmon (Community) and Justin Roiland, has broken the schemes between genre, writing and presentation of black comedy. Introducing a grandfather to his grandson living dangerous adventures in other galaxies and dimensions.
- Duration: 05:00
idioma EN, Producto KNOWMORE, Categoria Culture, Subcategoria Analysis, Rick and Morty, Adult Swim, Dan Harmon, Justin Roiland, Community, Animated Series, , KM_00375_EN
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MetatubeSpecials - Rick and Morty Karaoke: The Rick Dance | adult swim01:10
Saac - Rick and Morty Karaoke: Goodbye Moonmen | adult swim02:48
Saac - Rick and Morty: Animation Challenges | adult swim02:49
Saac - Inside the Episode: Never Ricking Morty | Rick and Morty | adult swim01:58
KrissKlown - Rick's Prayer | Rick and Morty | adult swim01:23
PeTePeTe - Rick and Morty: Character Creation Secrets | adult swim02:54