Education and Parenting Style
Children exposed to a harsh parenting style may experience educational and peer problems, study finds.
- Duration: 05:00
idioma EN, Producto HEALTHDAY, Categoria Children's Health, Subcategoria Mental Health, Depression, Eating Disorders, Stress, Anxiety, Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating, Panic Attacks, Addiction, Work, Antidepressants, gender, alcohol, marijuana, loneliness, HD_021017_EN
- Health Headlines05:00
MetatubeSpecials - Internet Addiction and Mental Health05:00
MetatubeSpecials - Eating Disorders in Children05:00
MetatubeSpecials - Teenager Dangers05:00
MetatubeSpecials - Pizza and Childhood Nutrition05:00
MetatubeSpecials - Transgender Youth and Mental Health05:00
MetatubeSpecials - Adolescent Health and Education05:00