Hand of Death a horror short film, scary movie.
"Hand of Death" a short film in 16mm. Director: Marc Nadal. Director of photography: Francesco Tavolaro. Cast: Núria Molina, Jasp Sanpere and Javier Juega. Year: 2011. Drama. Synopsis: Anton escapes from the Death to search the reason of his death, his dead wife Collette appears before him with pieces of his memories, memories that lead to his murderer. Festivals: Premiered at the Verdi Cinema Barcelona in June 2012, becoming a finalist for Best Actress: Núria Molina in Godarín prizes.
- Duration: 05:57
Marc Nadal, The hand of death, Núria Molina, Short films, Short film, short Spanish, Spanish films, short horror, scary films, short films online, films online, horror movie, short surreal, independent film, art, fear, scary, mind, lost love, death
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