Eclipse Parody by The Hillywood Show
by Melissa26
Loved Eclipse, but thought it needed a little extra something? Well, then THE HILLYWOOD SHOW has just the parody for you! Bella once again finds herself forced to choose between her love for vampire, Edward and her friendship with werewolf, Jacob...HILLYWOOD style! ECLIPSE PARODY by THE HILLYWOOD SHOW takes THE TWILIGHT SAGA to a new realm...which, just as Stephenie Meyer wanted, was actually filmed in Forks, WA! See for yourself how ECLIPSE PARODY by THE HILLYWOOD SHOW twists quiet, shy Bella into quite the monster! Not even Alice could see this one coming! It all begins...with a parody.
- Duration: 13:01
Eclipse, Twilight , Parody, The Hillywood Show , Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart , Bella Swan , Jacob Black, Edward Cullen, lookalike , spoof
- Edward and Bella A Bad Lip Reading of Twilight Video Comedy00:00
DonaldDuck - Breaking Dawn Parody by The Hillywood Show10:02
Jorjito - Scenes - 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn' Part 202:33
DulcezitaCute - Jacob, keep your shirt on - twilight Parody00:03
PrincesaLinda - GagaWeen - Lady Gaga03:13
263976.LindaVioleta.Perez - The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 - Official Featurette: Behind the Scenes 2 [HD]02:43
marcial.galindo.1 - Kristen Stewart on The Graham Norton Show 201209:29