News Politics
Migrantes hondureños cruzan la frontera a México por la fuerza
by Noti.Mexico
Los integrantes de la Caravana Migrante originaria de Honduras derribaron el cerco fronterizo que divide las fronteras de Guatemala con México.
- Duration: 21:40
- Honduran migrants break fence to enter Guatemala00:57
Tuitealo - Chinese migrants cross US-Mexico border via risky route02:44
worldNews24 - Caravana de inmigrantes hondureños llegó a México02:00
Noti.Mexico - #News: Thousands of Central American migrants have illegally crossed into Mexico03:47
worldNews24 - Atacan un refugio de migrantes en la frontera de México con EE.UU.00:50
Noti.Mexico - Mexico sets up an operation on the border with Guatemala due to the arrival of migrants01:21
NoticiasAlMomento - Mexico sets up an operation on the border with Guatemala due to the arrival of migrants01:21