#OMG: Huge crocodile eats the scientist who fed him
It was recently reported that a five-meter-long crocodile devoured a scientist who fed it at a research center in Indonesia. According to Tribun News, Deasy Tuwo, 44, was giving pieces of meat to the reptile, named 'Merry' when he unexpectedly threw himself brutally upon her. The next day, laboratory staff saw the crocodile with Tuwo's body in its jaws. The reptile had ripped the woman's left arm and mutilated her upper torso. The rescue teams fought to remove what was left of the crocodile's body, which offered resistance every time they tried to approach him. According to the personnel of the enclosure, Merry had been an aggressive animal that previously had attacked and killed another crocodile with which it shared the pond. The reptile will be taken to a wildlife rescue center in the district of Bitung, where the stomach will be analyzed.
- Duration: 01:02
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