News Politics
España rechaza pedirle disculpas a México por agravios durante la conquista
by Notino
España rechaza pedirle disculpas a México por agravios durante la conquista
- Duration: 01:41
- AMLO proposes a "pause" in relations between Mexico and Spain04:34
Noti.Mexico - AMLO pide al REY de ESPAÑA disculparse por CONQUISTA DE MÉXICO? Nunca se hablo de lo que la carta dice07:10
Noti.Mexico - What happened during the conquest of Mexico - Tenochtitlan?03:50
Moticias - Spain asks AMLO for explanations regarding the decision to put relations between the two countries on hold02:04
Noti.Mexico - Letter that AMLO sent to the King of Spain to apologize for the Conquest08:10
NoticiasAlMomento - Debanhi Escobar's father rejects Platanito's apology and reacts against Franco Escamilla03:00
Yisus. - Javier Duarte rechaza extradición a México01:48