Tech & Video Games
The Road to PS5 highlights | PS5 specs break down in 12 minutes
by Khabib
The Road to PS5 highlights | PS5 specs break down in 12 minutes
- Duration: 12:27
- Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - PlayStation Showcase 2021 Trailer | #PS501:37
Jotita - The Talos Principle 2 - Road to Elysium Trailer | PS5 Games01:34
Angy - This is the PS5 Controller...07:03
Griffin - Genshin Impact - 7 Minutes of PS5 Gameplay in 4K07:44
PolyMoly - Unreal Engine 5 Revealed! | Next-Gen Real-Time Demo Running on PlayStation 509:02
Alemn - PS5 PRO and GTA VI NEWS! - PS5 Pro could be released in 202405:03
SuPERnUN - #PS5 Controller: BIGGEST CHANGES05:45