News Politics
Brote de sarampión en la CDMX está controlado, sólo hay una persona con síntomas
Brote de sarampión en la CDMX está controlado, sólo hay una persona con síntomas
- Duration: 12:44
- CDC warns coronavirus outbreak will worsen04:24
worldNews24 - State of emergency for measles outbreak in NY02:55
Noti.Mexico - They keep controlled coronavirus outbreak00:39
CNNews - Measles outbreak alert in Los Angeles00:42
FreshNews - Global alert for outbreak of severe hepatitis in children. These are the symptoms01:13
MiNoticias - Omicron variant of coronavirus compared to measles02:09
NoticiasMx - Omicron: when a person infected with #Covid is no longer contagious (whether or not they have symptoms).04:28