Celebrity Videos
Eduardo Verástegui changes the screen for politics, the Mexican actor explains why
Renowned Mexican actor Eduardo Verástegui has agreed to work with the Trump administration as a Hispanic prosperity consultant. Many have applauded this decision, but others have severely criticized him.
- Duration: 04:08
- Razones por las que Eduardo Yáñez explotó08:57
Nathy - Eduardo Verástegui dice que el matrimonio es entre hombre y mujer a lo otro llámalo chulimonio Union de dos personas del mismo sexo13:36
Melyssa - Will Eduardo Verástegui be part of Donald Trump's cabinet?01:58
SusanitaLaChismosita - Eduardo Verástegui criticizes the National Electoral Institute (INE)00:54
Thammis - Sound of Freedom was rejected by Disney, Netflix and Amazon Produced by Eduardo Verastegui07:16
ValGrown - Eduardo Verástegui explica por qué lleva 10 años en celibato03:41
Johana_Marquez - Eduardo Verástegui issues warning to "terrorists of the 2030 agenda".01:27