News Politics
Seeking to prove if Congressman Saul Huerta of Morena "leaked" to a minor
by Notino
Seeking to prove if Congressman Saul Huerta of Morena "leaked" to a minor
- Duration: 02:18
- Morena congressman abuses 15 year old boy. Asks mother to come to an agreement04:21
Notino - #Morena expels Congressman Bejamin Saul Huerta02:30
NoticiasAlMomento - Another minor denounces Morena deputy Saul Huerta before the FGJ for alleged sexual abuse.01:05
NoticiasAlMomento - Another minor denounces Congressman Benjamin Saul Huerta for sexual abuse03:06
Moticias - Teenager recounts the nightmare she lived with Congressman Benjamín Saul Huerta06:49
NoticiasAlMomento - Morena and PT "freeze" desafuero of Benjamin Saúl Huerta, accused of abusing a minor02:13
Notino - Minor ratifies complaint against Congressman Benjamín Saúl Huerta00:37