News Politics
Beachgoers capture arrival of migrants
by L.Marshall
This is their reaction
- Duration: 02:42
- "El barrio" tucks Haitian migrants in Edomex.02:46
Noti.Mexico - Chaos on the Italian island after the massive arrival of migrants00:19
worldNews24 - San Pedro Tapanatepec collapses due to massive arrival of migrants05:34
Noti.Mexico - Mexico sets up an operation on the border with Guatemala due to the arrival of migrants01:21
NoticiasExpress - Mexico sets up an operation on the border with Guatemala due to the arrival of migrants01:21
NoticiasAlMomento - San Pedro Tapanatepec collapses due to massive arrival of migrants05:34
worldNews24 - Report that some 350 migrants arrived at the US border. in Tijuana01:12