News Politics
Mariana Rodriguez talks about criticism for 'ADOPTING' a BABY for a weekend
Mariana Rodriguez talks about criticism for 'ADOPTING' a BABY for a weekend
- Duration: 00:57
- Barack Obamab talks about situation in Paris03:53
CNNews - Samuel Garcia and Mariana Rodriguez violated the law by "adopting" a baby: DIF nacional02:26
Notino - Samuel Garcia and Mariana Rodriguez are slammed for "adopting" a child from DIF04:40
NoticiasAlMomento - Absolutely beautiful Carole Middleton talks about royal baby00:47
Metanews - Samuel Garcia and Mariana Rodriguez investigated for "adoption" of baby |00:23
Noticias - DIF investigates Samuel Garcia and Mariana Rodriguez for ''adoption'' of baby boy01:49
Noti.Mexico - Samuel Garcia and Mariana Rodriguez adopt a baby for the weekend and take pictures with it05:05