News Politics
Joe Biden predicted a NATO-Russia conflict in 1997
Joe Biden predicted a NATO-Russia conflict in 1997
- Duration: 01:01
- Joe Biden: 'Severe price' if Russia uses chem weapons01:57
CNNews - I will avoid direct NATO-Russia conflict; would cause World War III: Joe Biden01:47
NewsDays - The possibility of a direct conflict between NATO and Russia is becoming increasingly stronger12:22
Flu - JOE BIDEN says if RUSSIA uses CHEMICAL WEAPONS NATO will respond14:34
Noticias - JOE Biden: confrontation between NATO and Russia would provoke "third world war".01:49
XpressNoticias - JOE BIDEN warns that if RUSSIA attacks NATO territory "there would be a THIRD WORLD WAR".00:49
NoticiasAlMomento - News - Joe Biden: "Russia cannot be allowed to redraw the map of Europe"01:10