#Lightyear 'cancels landing' in at least 14 countries over lesbian kissing
by Father
As part of LGBT+ Pride month comes the contrast with countries that censor homosexuality.
- Duration: 01:52
lightyear, disney, lesbico, beso lesbico, lgbt
- #DROSS: YA VI LIGHTYEAR: My honest review (in 4K)00:06
Dr.Pepper - Lesbian kissing scene in Lightyear00:33
Elfie - Disney and Pixar’s Lightyear Alisha - LESBIc kiss00:27
ElK. - Mexican movie theaters denounced for cutting lesbian kissing scene in Lightyear00:33
Papucha - Disney fires Lightyear director02:13
Griffin - kate castillo beso lesbico00:10
Joss12TVel - La carta - Cortometraje amor lesbico gay lgtb01:24