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Police command is upset because they only give him $400 pesos "quota"
by Noti.Mexico
In the vast majority of videos here on the channel we have only seen how agents of various police forces try to extort or collect a bribe from citizens, today we will see one more link in this long chain of corruption in which almost all of the country's police forces are involved.
- Duration: 05:45
- #VIDEO: Tlaxcala police beat motorcyclist because he was filming it02:32
Coquito - #OMG: Cuautitlán police officer recorded intimidating and insulting a driver who was trying to violate a traffic infract01:12
Notino - #VIDEO: "YA HUBIERA TE DRAGA UN PLOMAZO" - Police stop driver and threaten to take him to jail05:28
XpressNoticias - Driver refuses to give quota to Yaquis and Sonora police officers block his way03:05
Noti.Mexico - She sells molds, but does not give measurements, because no one thanks him.04:19
Chismex_ - #CCTV: Boy Escaped From Accident Only Because of His Backpack01:00
Nelly - Mexico City police officers flee with driver's documents05:07