News Politics
"No food" looting begins in supermarkets in Acapulco by Otis
by Noti.Mexico
The victims of Hurricane Otis in Acapulco, Guerrero, are living uncertain times, since the lack of supplies is one of the problems affecting the population, due to the fact that the intensity of the meteor disappeared entire houses, added to the looting in the area, making the situation very difficult.
- Duration: 08:52
- Acapulco Diamante has been looted after the passage of Hurricane Otis06:17
NoticiasAlMomento - Terrible food looting in Acapulco after the devastation of hurricane Otis10:15
Noti.Mexico - Hurricane 'Otis' begins to reflect the dead in the streets of Acapulco04:26
NoticiasAlMomento - Cheaper and more expensive supermarkets for the basic food basket01:05
Ayuwoki - Streets devastated by Otis in Acapulco03:07
Noti.Mexico - Between disaster and looting, life doesn't stop in Acapulco02:47
Noticias - Acapulco communities cut off by landslide by OTIS00:36