#VIRAL: Compared the Mexican rosca de Reyes with the roscón in Spain
by ViralVideos
The woman made her opinion known through TikTok and a passionate debate ensued.
- Duration: 01:57
rosca de reyes, costco, rosca, rosca de costco, rosca de reyes de costco, donde comprar rosca de reyes de Costco
- #VIRAL: "Cake wars" at Costco, women come to blows00:22
GRETTHA - #VIRAL: Video of people "grabbing" a Rosca de Reyes is relived01:34
Spooky - #VIRAL: He asked his partner for an engagement with a ring inside a rosca de Reyes01:57
Virgy - They "Fight" for Rosca de Reyes at Costco01:11
worldNews24 - Costco resellers at all times.03:21
Wera - Costco retailers leave Alfonso Cuaron without Rosca de Reyes00:51
SnowWhite - Costco Rosca de Reyes reseller responds to criticisms01:23