Tech & Video Games
The new iPad Pro + Procreate
by WUUTvideos
Procreate CEO James Cuda talks through all the cool things you can do on the new iPad Pro with the new Apple Pencil Pro in Procreate and Procreate Dreams.
- Duration: 02:23
- Apple WWDC 2017 - What to Expect!19:41
Joss12TVel - The new iPad Pro + M4 chip04:00
Cabo - Introducing the all-new iPad Pro | Apple01:25
GoldieChic - Apple's new 10.5" iPad Pro demo00:52
Joss12TVel - Apple - Meet the all-new iPad and iPad Pro09:14
PeTePeTe - Crush! | iPad Pro | Apple01:08
Mary_Fer - Testing the iPhone 11, Pro Max, Apple Watch 5 and new iPad !!!11:09