Celebrity Videos

Teenage Dream With Me and Katy Perry

Katy Perry Tour Live at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, PA

  • Duration: 01:31



Music, KeenanCahill , Keenan , Cahill , JoeyMcIntyre , Joey , McIntyre , NKOTBSB , NKOTB , Please , Dont , Go , Girl , BackstreetBoys, Backstreet , Boys , NewKidsOnThe , Block , New , Kids , On The , PleaseDontGoGirl , BrianEvans , Brian , Evans , RedSox , Red , Sox , Boston , BostonRedSox , AtFenway , Fenway , ParkDavidGuetta , David , Guetta , OneMoreLove , KatyPerry , Katy , Perry, TeenageDream , Teenage , Dream , Firework , BritneySpears , Lip-Sync , Britney , Spears , Smartwater , dance music, singing