ExCIA Agent America creates its own enemies
Americans are in the crosshairs of terrorists worldwide purely due to Washington's policy in the Muslim world, not because there is an Islamic enemy whose only aim is to kill Americans for their freedoms and lifestyle, insists a former CIA officer. Historian Michael Scheuer, an author of "Through our enemies' eyes", who worked for the agency for over 20 years till 2004 and at one time was the chief of the CIA's 'Bin Laden unit', says America's greatest enemy -- radical Islam -- never existed: neither when Bin Laden was alive, nor now.
- Duration: 11:03
News & Politics, interview , Michael Sheuer , CIA , America , intelligence , Osama bin Laden , Osama , muslims , muslim world , USA , US, secret service , US foreign policy , democracy , Israel , Iran , U.S. security , war , America expansion, Middle East, terrorism, history , politics , NATO , military , Religion, Central Intelligence Agency , Americas , Bush, Taliban , Security, Peace, news, noticias, vidoe, usa, presiden, tobama, CIA
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