Tutoriales & Vlogs

WTF Yo queria un iPhone

Letra de la Cancion what the fuck, i wanted an iPhone what the fuck, i wanted a car fuck you mom, fuck you dad the economy sucks but i should get what i want so they got me an iPad 2 and $400 I wanted a strap and iPhone 4s not no iPad 2 and $400 my parents are the worst mother fucking parents in the world fuck you mom and dad for not getting me an iPhone fuck you, FML hashtag iphone was i the only person who didn't get an iPad i mean i got a car but that's a different story I wanted the white white iPod instead of the black one what the fuck, i wanted an iPhone what the fuck, i wanted a car fuck you mom, fuck you dad my mom lost her job but i should get what i want i must be the only person the only person in the whole wide world 7 billion people and counting and i'm the singularly unique person who didn't get an iPhone didn't get what i wanted didn't get an iPad fuck my mom and dad there's simply no one else out there who feels like me no one in the world so unlucky and sad what the fuck, i wanted an iPhone what the fuck, i wanted a car fuck you mom, fuck you dad my dad's a jerk and i should get what i want

  • Duración: 02:37



Music , WTF?! , Wanted , An , iPhone , (1089) , jonathan , mann , song, day , songadaymann , songaday , rock , cookie , bottom , songatron, music, coverperformance, cel, phone, iphone, video, lol, cute, omg, song 1089