13/2/12 - (Part 1) , WWE, Friday , , Undertaker, Shawn , Triple Silent Wrestling Michaels , Comments, Friday, Night , Jericho, Entrance, Late Night , Chris, Views, Kane, Edge , Enjo, y Mcmahon, Plz , Get, Laurie , Superstars , Watch, Night , Out , Shawn , Michaels, cena, divas, dyvas, kelly, kelly kelly, randy orton, cmpunk, egde, edge, randy orton, kane
- Monday Night Raw WWE 7/25/11 Part 404:20
Jeziel... - Night of Champions 2010: Randy Orton wins WWE Championship!02:05
Melissa26 - WWE RAW 81913 The McMahon Family Randy Orton Attacks Daniel Bryan04:54
Ramo5ZZo - WWE: Randy Orton en México00:56
XAVIER - WWE '12: CM Punk Entrance00:50
Jeziel... - Randy Orton Regresa a la WWE01:11
Bet12Mex - WWE '12: Wade Barrett Entrance00:49