Videos Graciosos

Gotye Parody Music Obama That I Used To Know

A Film by JustNew Productions CREATED & PRODUCED by Justin Monticello & Ryan Newbrough

  • Duración: 04:10



Comedy, Obama , Romney , Gotye , Somebody That I Used To Know , funny , comedy parody , spoof, Republican, Democrat , Democratic , politics , political , election, Kimbra , hope , change , 2012 , satire , White House , Walk Off The Earth , Just New, strike , Predator , Osama , Gitmo, Palin , campaign , Obamacare , Guantanamo , drone , president , song , Goyte , JustNew , healthcare , bin laden , string , walk off the earth , walk , off , earth , bush , biden , Gotye Parody , speeches , Barack , Barack Obama (US President) , Obama Gotye , Obama Parody , Obama song , obama08, news, muisc, musica, vidoe, single, official, musica, single, offcial, parody, humor, elections, vote, candidate