Noticias y Política
2012 Debates electorales Presidente Obama Mitt Romney
por News1
Mensajes contradictorios ya que ambos candidatos tratan de bajar las expectativas.
- Duración: 02:21
2012 Election Debates: President Obama, Mitt Romney, 2012, Election, Debates, President , Obama, Mitt , Romney, noticias, vide, raw, politycs, politica, raw, vote, candidatos
- Mitt Romney Pelea con reportero durante conferencia03:45
Metanews - 2012 Presidential Debate Mitt Romney President Obama02:29
OMGMeta - Presidential Debate USA 2012 President Obama and Mitt Romney Part 410:00
Synfandel - Bromas de los candidatos Para presidente Barrack Obama Mitt Romney02:51
Metanews - USA Presidential Debate USA President Obama and Mitt Romney Part 310:00
Synfandel - USA Presidential Debate USA President Obama and Mitt Romney Part 509:59
Synfandel - USA Presidential Debate USA President Obama and Mitt Romney Part 209:59