Primer avance de Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
por SanDiegoRed
Kevin Spacey aparece en el primer avance de este videojuego que saldra a la venta el 4 de noviembre de 2014
- Duración: 02:33
call, of, duty, advanced, warfare, kevin, space, reveal, trailer, primer, avance, videogames, shooter, x box one, playstation, november, noviembre, 2014, 4, battlegrounds, multiplayer, thriller, political, war, violence, mature, technology, tactrics, tactis, cameo
- Yanet García se queda sin novio, por culpa de ... Call of Duty!02:15
Jera - Official Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Reveal Trailer 201402:46
MoviesMovies - Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Video Teaser04:00
ArnoldS. - Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Gameplay Trailer02:46
XAVIER - Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Future Trailer02:25
DonaldDuck - Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Gameplay08:12
E.Taylor - Call of Duty Advanced Warfare E3 Gameplay Demo09:04