This NFL Player Lives on $60k a Year!
This is really going to blow your mind! Athletes have a bad rep of blowing through millions but not this guy. Detroit lions Ryan Broyles is prepping for life after the NFL. And he’s doing it by living on $60,000 a year. That’s right even with his $3.6 million dollar contract there is no fancy car, huge home or any of the trappings of a fast fortune. Get more details here about why Ryan doesn’t play just for the money!
- Duración: 00:55
Sports, Ryan Broyles, NFL, Detroit Lions, Ryan Broyles Money, Ryan Broyles Saving, Ryan Broyles 60k, Ryan Broyles Bankrupt, Ryan Broyles Finances, Ryan Broyles Retire, Ryan Broyles Budget, NFL Player Budget, NFL Player Money, Savings, NFL Players Bankrupt
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